
19th century junjung, from the Kingdom of Sine, part of present-day Senegal.

A junjung (or variously jung-jung, gungun, dyoung-dyoung etc.)[1] is the royal war drum of the Serer people in Senegal and the Gambia.[2] It was played on the way to the battlefield, on special state occasions as well as on Serer religious ceremonies.

It is also the progenitor of the music of the same name found in the Caribbean.[3]

  1. ^ Léopold Sédar Senghor, À l'appel de la race de Saba (1936) : « Ma tête bourdonnant au galop guerrier des dyoungs-dyoungs, au grand galop de mon sang de pur sang »
  2. ^ Louis Diène Faye. Mort et naissance: le monde Sereer, p56. Nouvelles Éditions africaines, 1983 ISBN 2723608689
  3. ^ Pathé Diagne, Tarana ou l'Amérique précolombienne : un continent africain, Harmattan, 2010, p. 260, ISBN 978-2-296-11484-5