Kingdom of Loango

Kingdom of Loango
c. 1550c. 1883
Flag of Loango
Approximate location of the Kingdom of Loango in relation to the modern-day Democratic Republic of the Congo
Approximate location of the Kingdom of Loango in relation to the modern-day Democratic Republic of the Congo
CapitalBuali (or Mbansa Loango)
Common languagesKikongo
• Established
c. 1550
• Disestablished
c. 1883
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Kingdom of Kongo
French Congo

The Kingdom of Loango (also Luangu, Luaangu, Lwaangu, Lwangu, Luango, Lwango, Luaango or Lwaango[1][2][3][4]) was a pre-colonial African state, during approximately the 16th to 19th centuries in what is now the western part of the Republic of the Congo, Southern Gabon and Cabinda. Situated to the north of the more powerful Kingdom of Kongo, at its height in the 17th century Loango influence extended from Cape St Catherine in the north to almost the mouth of the Congo River.

Loango exported copper to the European market, and was a major producer and exporter of cloth.

The English traveller Andrew Battel, when he was there in about 1610, recorded that the predecessor of the unnamed king ruling at that time was named "Gembe" or Gymbe (modernized as Njimbe), possibly the founder of the kingdom. With the death of King Buatu in 1787, the succession of leadership is uncertain.

  1. ^ Iko Kabwita Kabolo, Le royaume Kongo et la mission catholique 1750-1838, KARTHALA Editions, 2004, p. 303-313
  2. ^ Van Dongen, Irène S. (1962). "La vie économique et les ports de l'enclave de Cabinda (Angola)". Les Cahiers d'Outre-Mer (in French). 15 (57): 5–24. doi:10.3406/caoum.1962.2232. Retrieved 27 May 2023.
  3. ^ Alfredo Margarido, A propos d'un livre récent : Mythes, légendes et objets plastiques dans l'histoire chokwe [compte-rendu] Guilherme Augusto Mesquitela Lima, Fonctions sociologiques des figurines de culte hamba dans la société et dans la culture tshokwè, Outre-Mers. Revue d'histoire, 1972, p. 502
  4. ^ "Tshibila tshinteewu ku lwaangu – Communiqué relatif à l'installation du Roi au petit palais"., René Mavoungou Pambou (in French). 10 October 2022. Retrieved 27 May 2023.