Kuburajo inscription

Kuburajo inscription (August 2010)

Kuburajo Inscription, also called Kuburajo I Inscription, is one of the many inscriptions left by King Adityawarman of central Sumatra.[1] The inscription was found in Kuburajo village, Lima Kaum district, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia in 1877 besides the main road from Batusangkar city to Padang city.[1] The inscription was registered by N.J. Krom in Inventaris der Oudheden in de Padangsche Bovenlanden ('Inventory of Antiquities in the Padang Highlands', OV 1912: 41).[2] The inscription is written in Sanskrit,[1] and consists of 16 lines.[2] This inscription was lost in 1987, but was rediscovered.[1]

When first publishing about the inscription in 1913, H. Kern initially thought that it was a memorial tombstone (Dutch: grafsteen) of King Adityawarman; based on the name of the discovery village Kuburajo (kubur = tomb, and rajo = king).[3] F.D.K. Bosch refined this interpretation in Verslag van een reis door Sumatra ('Report of a trip through Sumatra', OV 1930: 133-57), based on Minangkabau language, to the "king's fort" (kubu = fort).[4]

  1. ^ a b c d Kozok, Uli (2015). A 14th Century Malay Code of Laws: The Nitisarasamuccaya. Vol. 16 dari Nalanda-Sriwijaya Series. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. p. 39. ISBN 978-9814459747. 9789814459747.
  2. ^ a b Utomo, Bambang Budi; Abd. Rahman (Nik.), Hassan Shuhaimi bin (Nik.) (2008). Zaman klasik di Nusantara: Tumpuan kajian di Sumatera. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. pp. 113–114. ISBN 978-9836299871. 9789836299871.
  3. ^ Kern, H., (1913), Grafsteenopschrift van Koeboer Radja, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlands-Indië 67, 401-404.
  4. ^ Bosch, F.D.K. (1930) “Verslag van een reis door Sumatra.” Oudheidkundige Verslag pp. 133-57.