
In Greek mythology, Kydoimos or Cydoemus /sɪˈdməs/ (Ancient Greek: Κυδοιμός Kudoimós) was the personification of the din of battle, confusion, uproar and hubbub.[1][2][3][4] He was probably numbered amongst the Makhai, daimones of the battlefield. Kydoimos appears in Aristophanes' Peace as a character.[5]

  1. ^ Homer, Iliad 18.535 ff.
  2. ^ Quintus Smyrnaeus, Posthomerica 1.306 ff. & 6.348 ff.
  3. ^ Philostratus of Lemnos, Eikones 10
  4. ^ Suida, Suda Encyclopedia s.v. Deimos
  5. ^ Aristophanes, Peace 255 ff