LVI Legislature of the Mexican Congress

56th Congress
(LVI Legislatura)
55th 57th
Legislative bodyCongress of the Union
Meeting placePalacio Legislativo de San Lázaro (Chamber of Deputies/Congress)
Casona de Xicoténcatl (Senate)
Term1 November 1994 (1994-11-01) – 31 August 1997 (1997-08-31)
Election21 August 1994
Senate of the Republic
Chamber of Deputies
1st1 November 1994 – 23 December 1994
2nd15 March 1995 – 29 April 1995
3rd1 September 1995 – 15 December 1995
4th15 March 1996 – 30 April 1996
5th1 September 1996 – 13 December 1996
6th15 March 1997 – 30 April 1997
Special sessions
1st17 January 1995 – 28 January 1995
2nd6 March 1995 – 9 March 1995
3rd17 May 1995 – 25 May 1995
4th30 July 1996 – 2 August 1996

The LVI Legislature of the Congress of the Union of Mexico (56th Congress) met from 1994 to 1997.