Laundry room

Washing machines in a laundry room
Some laundry rooms are built together with other utilities such as sinks

A laundry room or utility room is a room where clothes are washed, and sometimes also dried. In a modern home, laundry rooms are often equipped with an automatic washing machine and clothes dryer, and often a large basin, called a laundry tub, for hand-washing of delicate clothing articles such as sweaters, as well as an ironing board. Laundry rooms may also include storage cabinets, countertops for folding clothes, and, space permitting, a small sewing machine.

The term utility room is more commonly used in British English, while Australian English and North American English generally refer to this room as a laundry room, except in the American Southeast.[citation needed] "Utility" refers to an item which is designed for usefulness or practical use, so in turn most of the items kept in this room have functional attributes, i.e. "form follows function".