Lead Plaque of Magliano

Lead plaque of Magliano, sides A and B

The Lead Plaque of Magliano (or Lead Plate of Magliano or Lead Disk; CIE 5237), which contains 73 words in the Etruscan language, seems to be a dedicatory text, including as it does many names of mostly underworld deities.[1] It was found in 1882, and dates to the mid 5th century BC.[2] It is now housed in the National Archaeological Museum in Florence.[3]

  1. ^ Pallottino, M. The Etruscans Penguin, 1975, pp. 117, 142-143, 199, 221-222
  2. ^ van der Meer, B. "The Lead Plaque of Magliano" in: Interpretando l'antico. Scritti di archeologia offerti a Maria Bonghi Jovino. Milano 2013 (Quaderni di Acme 134) pp. 323-341
  3. ^ Mauro Cristofani. Dizionario della civiltà etrusca Giunti Gruppo Editoriale: Florenz. 1999 ISBN 8809217284 Page 154