
Leapfrogging is a concept used in many domains of the economics and business fields, and was originally developed in the area of industrial organization and economic growth. The main idea behind the concept of leapfrogging is that small and incremental innovations lead a dominant firm to stay ahead. However, sometimes, radical innovations will permit new firms to leapfrog the ancient and dominant firm.[1] The phenomenon can occur to firms but also to leadership of countries or cities, where a developing country can skip stages of the path taken by industrial nations, enabling them to catch up sooner, particularly in terms of economic growth.[2]

  1. ^ Aiginger, Karl; Finsinger, Jörg (2013). Applied Industrial Organization: Towards a Theory-Based Empirical Industrial Organization. Berlin: Springer Science & Business Media. p. 67. ISBN 9789048144525.
  2. ^ Miller, Robert R. (2001). Leapfrogging?: India's Information Technology Industry and the Internet. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Publications. pp. vii. ISBN 9780821349502.