Lentvaris Manor

Lentvaris Manor in 2006

Lentvaris Manor is a former residential manor in Lentvaris, Trakai District Municipality, Lithuania.[1]

Founded in the 16th century, the manor homestead stands on the northern shore of Lake Lentvaris, which was artificially created by pouring an embankment over the lake.[2]

Lentvaris manor is registered in the Register of Cultural Values and is a state protected object, it must also be taken care of by the Department of Cultural Heritage.[3]

  1. ^ Lentvario dvaras (in Lithuanian)
  2. ^ „Lentvario dvaras“. archyvai.lt. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2016-08-13. Nuoroda tikrinta 2017-03-05.
  3. ^ „Nykstantis Laimučio Pinkevičiaus dvaras Lentvaryje“. 15min.lt. 2012-11-08. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2017-03-05. Nuoroda tikrinta 2017-03-05.