Leo Wagner

Leo Wagner
Born13 May 1919
Died8 November 2006
Political partyCSU
Spouse(s)1. Elfriede
2. Brigitte

Leo Wagner (13 May 1919 – 8 November 2006) was a German politician (CSU). Between 1961 and his resignation from it, formally at the end of 1976, he served as a member of the West German Bundestag (parliament). For many years he was part of the inner political circle around the party leader, Franz Josef Strauß.[1][2][3] [4]

During the 1970s Wagner became a focus of public interest on account of widespread suspicions involving the interaction between his personal habits and his public duties. Allegations became harder to refute following a trial in 1974/75, at the end of which Wagner was convicted of credit fraud. He received only a suspended sentence. However, during the trial it also emerged that in 1972 Wagner had received a loan of precisely 50,000 Marks from an undisclosed source. Both the amount and the date were significant, since it had become known that another Bundestag member, Julius Steiner had accepted a bribe of that amount from the East German security services in order to vote against his own party in a crucial “constructive confidence vote“ which the Brandt government won by just two votes, somewhat to the surprise of a number of well-informed political commentators and of the chancellor himself. Leo Wagner continued to deny that he had accepted a bribe from East German agents to vote against his own party and in support of the Brandt government, but by the time an 80 minute documentary film of the affair was produced by his grandson nearly half a century later, there was no longer any need to preface reports of the matter with the adjective "allegedly“.[5][6]

  1. ^ "Wir stellen Vor: Unseren Kandidaten Leo Wagner". Die Geheimnisse des Schönen Leo:“Wahlprospekt“: Election manifesto, reproduced with links to explanatory pages and paragraphs in 2020 in connection with a documentary film about Lei Wagner (Inspiriert von Leo Wagners Wahlprospekt zur Bundestagswahl 1965. Texte gekürzt ). Benedikt Schwarzer c/o Deutsche Drama GmbH., Miesbach. 1965. Retrieved 24 May 2022.
  2. ^ "Schübe in der Nacht". Affäre Wagner …. Der CSU-Abgeordnete Leo Wagner, von Gläubigern verfolgt und von seiner Partei fallengelassen, trat ab. Er sei, so seine Freunde, nicht mehr richtig im Kopf. Der Spiegel (online). 23 February 1975. Retrieved 24 May 2022.
  3. ^ "Wagner Leo: geb. 13.03.1919, gest. 08.11.2006: Dr. h.c., Lehrer, Schulleiter, MdB". Nachlässe und Handakten von Personen der Zeitgeschichte …. "W“. Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, München. Retrieved 24 May 2022.
  4. ^ Cite error: The named reference FallLWlautHH was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  5. ^ "CSU-Spion enttarnt". Stasi. Der Spiegel (online). 26 November 2000. Retrieved 24 May 2022.
  6. ^ Florian Sendtner (9 April 2021). "Familien- und Staatsgeheimnisse". Doku mit aufklärerischer Wirkung: "Die Geheimnisse des schönen Leo" über den käuflichen CSU-Mann Leo Wagner. Verlag Bayerische Staatszeitung GmbH., (BSZ), München. Retrieved 24 May 2022.