
Lessor is a participant of the lease who takes possession of the property and provides it as a leasing subject to the lessee for temporary possession.[1][2] For example, in leasehold estate, the landlord is the lessor and the tenant is the lessee. The lessor may be the owner of the property or an agent authorized on the owner's behalf. Commercial banks, credit non-bank organizations, leasing companies often act as lessors.[3][4]

  1. ^ О финансовой аренде (лизинге): Федер. закон от 29.10.1998 № 164-ФЗ.-В ред. от 22.08.2004.-Ст. 4, п. 1
  2. ^ Лукаш Ю.А. Энциклопедический словарь-справочник руководителя предприятия. — М.: Книжный мир, 2004. — 1504 с.
  3. ^ "Лизинг. Все, что стоит знать о лизинге".
  4. ^ "Lessor or loans". Tuesday, 18 June 2019