Lies (2008 film)

Lies is a 2008 animated documentary short directed by Jonas Odell of Sweden. It won the Sundance Film Festival's 2009 Jury Prize for International Short Filmmaking.[1]

The plot involves three stories based on interviews Odell collected[1] and the consequences of lying.[2] In the first, a con-man steals from his place of employment, having to lie for salvation. In the second, a student steals from his mother. In the third, a woman, addicted to drugs, lies her way through life, ultimately realizing she can't pretend to be someone she wasn't in the end.[3]

The film was produced by Odell's company Filmtarkana and was celebrated for its mastery, aesthetics and creativity.[3]

  1. ^ a b "Jonas Odell, Director, Lies", Ramin Zahed. Animation Magazine. February 9, 2009. Retrieved 8 feb 2017
  2. ^ "Jonas Odell: Lies", Justin Cone. Motionographer. October 20, 2008. Retrieved 8 feb 2017
  3. ^ a b "Lies", Jason Sondhi. Short of the Week. November 11, 2010. Retrieved 8 feb 2017