Linearly ordered group

In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, a linearly ordered or totally ordered group is a group G equipped with a total order "≤" that is translation-invariant. This may have different meanings. We say that (G, ≤) is a:

  • left-ordered group if ≤ is left-invariant, that is a ≤ b implies ca ≤ cb for all abc in G,
  • right-ordered group if ≤ is right-invariant, that is a ≤ b implies ac ≤ bc for all abc in G,
  • bi-ordered group if ≤ is bi-invariant, that is it is both left- and right-invariant.

A group G is said to be left-orderable (or right-orderable, or bi-orderable) if there exists a left- (or right-, or bi-) invariant order on G. A simple necessary condition for a group to be left-orderable is to have no elements of finite order; however this is not a sufficient condition. It is equivalent for a group to be left- or right-orderable; however there exist left-orderable groups which are not bi-orderable.