Hellblazer, also known as John Constantine, Hellblazer, is an American comic book series starring John Constantine. The character, created by Alan Moore, Stephen R. Bissette, and John Totleben first appeared in Swamp Thing (vol. 2) #37 (June 1985) as a supporting character, and later appeared as the protagonist of his own series in 1988. In 1993, the series started being published under DC's newly founded imprint Vertigo, and by its cancellation it was the imprint's longest-running series.[1]
Hellblazer has been incompletely collected into many trade paperbacks. The first UK editions, printed by Titan Books, reprinted the original colour issues in black and white. Though subsequent editions were in color, they were not numbered and not always released chronologically. While some issues were never collected in trade form, some early issues appear in books. Starting in April 2011, Vertigo began republishing the series in new numbered editions, collecting the series in proper chronological order and including issues that had been left out of earlier editions. The new editions also include short stories, prose pieces, original graphic novels, related mini-series, and crossover issues from other series, most commonly Swamp Thing.