List of Irish manuscripts

This is a list of manuscripts produced in Ireland as well as other manuscripts of Irish interest, including both vellum and paper manuscripts.

Library MS catalogue no. Date Description
Brussels, Royal Library of Belgium (Bibliothèque Royale) 3410 1629 Paper manuscript.[1]
Brussels, Royal Library of Belgium 5100-4 17th century Transcripts by Mícheál Ó Cléirigh from a book written by Siodrach Ua Mael Conaire in 1533.[2]
Brussels, Royal Library of Belgium 5301-20 after 1643 Paper manuscript.[1]
Cambridge, Cambridge University Library Book of Deer 9/10th century, with later additions Gospelbook of the 9/10th century, with 12th-century additions in Scottish Gaelic.[2] Images Archived 2012-07-16 at the Wayback Machine
Chatsworth Book of Lismore c. 1500 Mainly religious texts.[2]
Dublin, National Library of Ireland G 1 (olim Phillipps 4169) 16th century Parchment manuscript; main scribe: Pilip Ballach hua Duibhgeandáin.[3]
Dublin, National Library of Ireland G 2 (olim Phillipps 7021) 14th–15th centuries Parchment manuscript; main scribe: Ádam Ó Cianáin.[3]
Dublin, National Library of Ireland G 3 (olim Phillips MS 7022)
Book of Ádhamh Ó Cianáin
14th–15th centuries Includes Irish verse.[4]
Dublin, National Library of Ireland G 4 (olim Phillips MS 8214) 1391 Fragment which previously belonged to the core of the Yellow Book of Lecan.[1]
Dublin, National Library of Ireland G 7 16th century [1]
Dublin, National Library of Ireland G 8 (olim Phillips MS 9750)
Book of Éumann Ó Bolgaoi
16th century Medical manuscript on paper and parchment.[3]
Dublin, National Library of Ireland G 10 (olim Phillips MS 10266) 16th century Composite manuscript on parchment.[3]
Dublin, National Library of Ireland G 11 (olim Phillips MS 10297) 2nd quarter of the 15th century Medical tracts translated from Latin to Irish, followed by a small section of legal material. Parchment; main scribe: Donnchadh Ua Bolgaidhi.[3]
Dublin, National Library of Ireland G 1200
Book of Magauran / Leabhar Méig Shamhradháin
14th century Duanaire (poetry anthology). Main scribes: Ruaidhrí Ó Cianáin, Doighre Ó hUiginn.[3]
Dublin, National Library of Ireland G 1303
Leabhar Í Eadhra (Book of O'Hara)
1597 Bardic poetry in Irish. Parchment manuscript.[3]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 23 D 17
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 23 E 29
Book of Fermoy
15th–16th century Composite manuscript, three parts: I (pp. 1–16); II (pp. 17–216); III (pp. 217–24). Part preserved as Egerton 92 (see there).[1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 23 K 44 1721–1722 Paper MS[1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 23 N 10 c. 1575 Compiled by scribes of the Ó Maolconaire. Formerly MS Betham 145, after its former owner William Betham.
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 23 P 2
Great Book of Lecan
c. 1380 x 1417 [1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 23 P 3 1467 (first part) Composite manuscript, consisting of three parts.[1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 23 P 12
Book of Ballymote
1384–1406 [1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 24 P 26
Book of Fenagh
16th century
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 23 Q 6 15th–16th century Composite manuscript, five parts.[1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 24 P 25 16th century [1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy B IV 1 1671–1674 Paper manuscript.[1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy B IV 1A 17th century? Paper manuscript.[1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy B IV 2 1627–1628 Paper manuscript.[1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy C I 2 15th–16th century? [1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy C III 2 1552 [1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy C VI 3 early 17th century Paper manuscript.[1]
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy D IV 2 15th century [1]
Dublin, Trinity College 52
Book of Armagh
9th century
Dublin, Trinity College 1289 (olim H.1.15) 1729–1745 Paper manuscript.[1]
Dublin, Trinity College 1291 (olim H.1.17) 1755 Paper manuscript.[1]
Dublin, Trinity College 1298 (olim H.2.7) c. 1340–1350 Irish genealogies, tales.
Dublin, Trinity College 1308 (olim H.2.12, no. 8) 15th century? [1]
Dublin, Trinity College 1316 (olim H.2.15a) various Composite manuscript, including Senchas Már material written down c. 1350.[2]
Dublin, Trinity College 1318 (olim H.2.16)
Yellow Book of Lecan
14th/15th century Composite manuscript
Dublin, Trinity College 1336 (olim H.3.17) 15th and 16th centuries Miscellany
Dublin, University College Psalter of Caimín 11th century Fragment
Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland No. V 14th–15th century? [1]
Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland No. XL Composite manuscripts (five parts).[1]
Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland No. XXVIII 14th century? [1]
Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland No. XXXVI 1690–1691 Paper manuscript.[1]
London, British Library Additional 30512 15th–16th century [1]
London, British Library Additional 33993 16th century Composite manuscript: I (ff. 1–19) and II (ff. 20–29).[1]
London, British Library Cotton Nero A 7 16th century? Composite manuscript, e.g. Bretha Nemed Toísech
London, British Library Egerton 88 c. 1564 Collection of medieval Irish legal texts, literature, grammatical works and legal glossaries[1]
London, British Library Egerton 92 Part detached from Book of Fermoy (see Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 23 E 29).[1]
London, British Library Egerton 93 15th century (part I); 16th century (parts II–III) Composite manuscript in three parts: I (ff. 1–19); II (ff. 20–25); III (ff. 26–35).[1]
London, British Library Egerton 1781 c. 1484–1487 [1]
London, British Library Egerton 1782 c. 1517 [1]
London, British Library Harleian 432 early 16th century Parchment.[1]
London, British Library Harleian 5260 16th century Parchment.[1]
London, British Library Lansdowne 418 e.g. Annals of Duisk
Oxford, Bodleian Library Laud misc. 610 c. 1453–1454 Irish genealogies. Images online.
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.475 early 17th century Irish account of the Norman invasion of Ireland, based on an English version of Gerald of Wales' Expugnatio Hibernica; medieval and early modern Irish poems
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.488 14th–17th centuries Includes the Annals of Tigernach
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.489 early 16th century Annals of Ulster
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.498 Irish charters, e.g. of the "Palmer's Hospital" (Priory and Hospital of St. John the Baptist without the New Gate, Dublin); of the Order of Fratres Cruciferi; additions.
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.499 1526 Transcripts of deeds of Thomas Court (Augustinian Abbey of St. Thomas the Martyr), Dublin.
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.501 Registrum de Kilmainham
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.502
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.503 11th–15th centuries Annals of Inisfallen
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.506
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.512
Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.514
Stockholm Vitterhet Engelsk, II. 16th century Parchment.[1]
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai John Corthals, Manuscript Sources to Old and Middle Irish Tales (MS Omit)
  2. ^ a b c d Insular Medieval Manuscripts Reproduction Guide (IMMURGU), University of Utrecht.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Ní Shéaghdha, Nessa; Pádraig Ó Macháin (1961–1996). Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland. Studies in Irish Manuscripts. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.
  4. ^ E.g. Banshenchas; poem beginning A aos dána, is aithnidh damh, for which see Ó Riain, Gordon (2008). "Early Modern technical verse from NLI G 3". Éigse. 36: 35–42.