List of psychiatrists

This list is of notable psychiatrists.

Additional lists of psychiatrists can be found at the articles Fictional psychiatrists and List of physicians.

Medical doctors who are psychiatrists and included in those lists and are also listed below. Some psychiatrists are also in the list of neurologists and the list of neuroscientists.

Name Nationality Notes
Nise da Silveira 1905-1999 Brazilian psychiatrist and a student of Carl Jung. She devoted her life to psychiatry and has never been in agreement with the aggressive forms of treatment of her time such as commitment to psychiatric hospitals
Alfred Adler 1870–1937 Austrian Individual psychology
Jill Afrin 1962– American Telepsychiatrist for deaf people
Leo Alexander 1905–1985 Austrian–American Author
Alois Alzheimer 1864–1915 German Alzheimer's disease
Daniel Amen 1954– American Psychiatrist and brain-disorder specialist
Nancy C. Andreasen 1938– American 2000 National Medal of Science recipient, professor of psychiatry at the University of Iowa College of Medicine
Giorgio Antonucci 1933–2017 Italian Critic of the basis of psychiatry
David Ames 1984 Australian 2018 Order of Australia recipient for research in dementia and the mental health of older persons
Susan Bailey 1950– British President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists
Jack Barchas 1935– American Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College
Franco Basaglia 1924–1980 Italian Mental health reformer
William Battie 1703–1776 British Published in 1758 a book on the treatment of mental illness
Peter Baumann 1935–2011 Swiss Advocate for psycholytic therapy and euthanasia
Aaron T. Beck 1921–2021 American Father of cognitive therapy
Stephen Joseph Bergman, aka Samuel Shem 1944– US Author
Vladimir Bekhterev 1857–1927 Russian Best known for noting the role of the hippocampus in memory, his study of reflexes, and Bekhterev's disease
Eugen Bleuler 1857–1940 Swiss Coined terms "Autism" and "schizophrenia"
Manfred Bleuler 1903–1994 Swiss Son of Eugen Bleuler, research on the course of chronic schizophrenia
William Breitbart 1951– American Chief of Psychiatry Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
John Charles Bucknill 1817–1897 British mental health reformer
Aggrey Burke 1943– British transcultural psychiatry
Donald Ewen Cameron 1901–1967 Scottish "Depatterning" and "psychic driving" CIA funded experiments, head of APA and WPA
John Cade 1912–1980 Australian Lithium therapy research
Fiona Caldicott 1941– British
Mary Cannon 1965– Irish Psychiatrist and research scientist
Patricia Casey Irish Professor of Psychiatry at University College Dublin
Daniel Harold Casriel 1924–1983 American Creator of 'The New Identity Process' (now called Bonding Psychotherapy)
Ferdinando Cazzamalli 1887–1958 Italian Interested in paranormal and metaphysics
Anthony Clare 1942–2007 Irish Academic, interviewer on radio and TV
John Gordon Clark 1926–1999 American 1991 psychiatrist of the year, Psychiatric Times
Ugo Cerletti 1877–1963 Italian Neurologist, specialised in neuropsychiatry and electroconvulsive therapy
Eustace Chesser 1902–1973 Scottish
John Conolly 1794–1866 British He published the volume Indications of Insanity in 1830
Arnold Cooper 1923–2011 American Psychoanalyst theorist, former Tobin-Cooper professor at Weill Cornell Medical College and president of the American Psychoanalytic Association
Michel Craplet French alcoholism specialist
James Crichton-Browne 1840–1938 British A pioneer of British psychiatric public health
John Cutting 1952– British also writer, specialising in schizophrenia
Eric Cunningham Dax 1908–2008 British Specialised in shock therapy and lobotomy
Christine Dean 1939– British British community, alternatives to psychiatric hospital treatment and human rights of people with mental health problems
Honorio Delgado 1892 - 1969 Peruvian Pioneered biological innovations in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, as well as the founder and first rector of Cayetano Heredia University.
Karl Deisseroth 1971– American Neuroscientist. Known for the technologies of CLARITY and optogenetics
John Langdon Down 1828–1896 British Known for his description of Down syndrome and as a pioneer in the care of mentally disabled patients
Mason Durie 1938– New Zealander
Leon Eisenberg 1922–2009 American Medical educator, first RCT in clinical child psychopharmacology, protégé of Leo Kanner, author of early articles about autism and neurodevelopmental disorders
Milton H. Erickson 1901–1980 American Founding president, American Society for Clinical Hypnosis
Gail Eskes 1955- Canadian-American academic psychiatrist
José María Esquerdo 1842–1912 Spanish Spanish psychiatrist, physician, and Republican politician
Wayne Fenton 1953–2006 US National Institute of Mental Health, ex-Chestnut Lodge
Eleanora Fleury 1860–1940 Irish First female member of the Medico Psychological Association (now the Royal College of Psychiatrists)
Viktor Frankl 1905–1997 Austrian Neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, founder of logotherapy (The Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy)
Daniel X. Freedman 1921–1993 American Pioneer in biological psychiatry
Walter Freeman 1895–1972 American Proponent of Lobotomy
Sigmund Freud 1856–1939 Austrian Neurologist, "the father of psychoanalysis"
Jacob H. Friedman 1905–1973 American Pioneer in geriatric psychiatry
Karl J. Friston 1959– British Neuroscientist and authority on quantitative brain imaging
Pyotr Borisovich Gannushkin 1875–1933 Russian Author, Manifestations of Psychopathies and Notes on the Psychiatric Clinic on Devichye Pole
Lars Christopher Gillberg 1950– Swedish Researched on ADHD and autism
William Glasser 1925–2013 American Reality Therapy and Choice Theory
Ira Glick American Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford Medical School
Semyon Gluzman 1946– Soviet and Ukrainian whistle blower on political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union
Richard Green 1938–2019 American Influential work done in studying gender identity
Mikhail Gurevich 1878–1953 Russian Pioneer of Soviet child psychiatry
Samuel Guze 1923–2000 American Medical educator, and researcher
Robert Galbraith Heath 1915–1999 American Also neurologist
Edward M. Hallowell 1949- American Author of notable works on ADHD
Karen Horney 1885–1952 German neo-Freudian
Henry Mills Hurd 1843–1927 American The first director of the Johns Hopkins Hospital
Richard Isay 1934–2012 American Psychoanalyst
Junichiro Ito 1954– Japanese Director of the Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, National Institute of Mental Health, Japan
Iliyan Ivanov 1963– American Bulgarian Professor of psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine in New York.
Karl Jaspers 1883–1969 German Existential philosopher and psychopathologist
Eve Johnstone 1944– British Head of Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh
Ayana Jordan American Addiction psychiatrist
Carl Jung 1875–1961 Swiss founder of analytical psychology
Karla Jurvetson 1965– US
Eric Richard Kandel 1929– American 2000 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Victor Khrisanfovich Kandinsky 1849–1889 Russian introduced the notion of pseudohallucinations and described the syndrome now known as Kandinsky-Clérambault syndrome
Boris Dmitrievich Karvasarsky 1929–2013 Russian Author, Neuroses: Textbook for Doctors and Personality-Oriented Psychotherapy
Robert Evan Kendell 1935–2002 British nosology
Otto Kernberg 1928– Austrian psychoanalytic theoretician and clinician
Seymour S. Kety 1915–2000 American psychiatric genetics
Sergei Sergeievich Korsakoff 1854–1900 Russian Studied alcoholic psychosis, introduced the concept of paranoia and wrote a comprehensive textbook on psychiatry
Anatoly Koryagin 1938– Russian Whistle blower on punitive psychiatry in the Soviet Union
Emil Kraepelin 1856–1926 German founder of modern scientific psychiatry
Charles Krauthammer 1950–2018 American Pulitzer-winning columnist, known for political commentary
Ernst Kretschmer 1888–1964 German researched the human constitution and established a typology
David Kupfer 1941– American University of Pittsburgh, current head of DSM-5
Arnold Kutzinski 1879–1956 German Psychiatrist and neurologist, outspoken critic of psychoanalysis
Ronald David Laing 1927–1989 Scottish Psychiatrist and antipsychiatrist
Karl Leonhard 1904–1988 German Described cycloid psychoses
Saul V. Levine 1938– Canadian author, Radical Departures: Desperate Detours to Growing Up
Aubrey Lewis 1900–1975 Australian Clinical Director of the Maudsley Hospital, pivoltal influence on British psychiatry
Andrey Yevgenyevich Lichko 1926–1996 Russian vice principal of Saint-Petersburg Psychoneurological Institute n.a. V.M. Bekhterev, author, Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychopathy and Accentuations of Character at Teenagers, and Schizophrenia in Teenagers.
Robert Jay Lifton 1926– American author, Thought Reform
Manuel Isaías López 1941–2017 Mexican bioethics
Abraham Low 1891–1954 American founder of Recovery International (formerly Recovery, Inc.)
Herman Wedel Major 1814–1854 Norwegian Father of Norwegian psychiatry
Henry Maudsley 1835–1918 British A pioneer of British psychiatry
Thomas McGlashan 1942– US Professor of Psychiatry at Yale Medical School
Peter McGuffin 1949– British psychiatric genetics
Friedrich Meggendorfer 1880–1953 German also neurologist, early describer of familial Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.
Adolf Meyer 1866–1950 Swiss "Common Sense" psychiatry
Theodor Meynert 1833–1892 German-Austrian Founder of cerebral cortex cytoarchitectonics
Robert Michels 1876-1936 American University Professor and former Dean, Weill Cornell Medical College
Patrick McGorry 1952– Australian developed early psychosis model
John Monro 1716–1791 British Was the first of the Monro family of physicians dedicated to insanity
Robin Murray 1944– British psychosis
Conolly Norman 1886–1908 Irish R.M.S. of the Richmond District Lunatic Asylum, Dublin, Ireland
Ahmed Okasha 1935– Egyptian President of World Psychiatric Association from 2002 to 2005
Humphry Osmond 1917–2004 British known for inventing the term 'psychedelic'
Joy Osofsky American Professor of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry at Louisiana State University School of Medicine
Ian Oswald 1929–2012 British sleep research
Stanley Palombo American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, author
Herb Pardes 1932– American psychiatry chair and dean at Columbia University, and president, New York Presbyterian Hospital
Gordon Parker Australian mood disorders, in particular melancholia.
Diana Perkins American Schizophrenia researcher.
Nossrat Peseschkian 1933–2010 Iranian-German psychiatrist, neurologist, psychotherapist, founder of Positive Psychotherapy
Issy Pilowsky 1935–2012 Australian abnormal illness behaviour
Philippe Pinel 1745–1826 French Unchained hospital patients
M. Scott Peck 1936–2005 American love and spiritual growth
Desmond Arthur Pond 1919–1986 British Chief Scientist at Department of Health and Social Security
Antoine Porot 1876-1965 French Algiers School of psychiatry
James B. Potash American Psychiatrist, researcher, and academic leader
Mark Ragins American American psychiatrist in the recovery movement, founding member of the Village ISA.
John Rawlings Rees 1890–1969 British military psychiatry and mind control
W. H. R. Rivers 1864–1922 British psychiatric anthropology
Hermann Rorschach 1884–1922 Swiss also psychoanalyst, Rorschach inkblot test
Benjamin Rush 1746–1813 American Father of American psychiatry
Gerald Russell 1928–2018 British
Michael Rutter 1933–2021 British Child psychiatry
Manfred Sakel 1900–1957 Austrian inventor of insulin shock therapy
William Sargant 1907–1988 British Physical methods of treatment
Alan Schatzberg American Researches the biology and treatment of depression
Daniel Schechter 1962– American Researches effects of maternal post-traumatic stress on the mother-child relationship
Kurt Schneider 1887–1967 German schizophrenia research
Vladimir Petrovich Serbsky 1858–1917 Russian author, The Forensic Psychopathology
Martin Seligman 1942– US Learned helplessness
David Shaffer 1936– South African child and adolescent psychiatrist, suicide researcher, epidemiologist
Michael Sharpe British psychiatric aspects of medical illness
Michael Shepherd 1923–1995 British Epidemiological Psychiatry
Volkmar Sigusch 1940– German also psychologist
Eliot Slater 1904–1983 British Debunked "hysteria"
Victor Skumin 1948– Russian Skumin syndrome, also psychologist
Andrei Vladimirovich Snezhnevsky 1904–1987 Russian introduced the term of sluggishly progressing schizophrenia
Solomon Halbert Snyder 1938– American neurotransmitters
Robert Spitzer 1932–2015 American chair, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–III), 1980
Hans Steiner 1946– Austrian leading advocate of the developmental psychopathology and psychiatry
Daniel Stern 1934–2012 American leading infant observation and parenting researcher, theorist, author
Tina Strobos 1920–2012 Dutch Family psychiatrist, awarded Elizabeth Blackwell Medal, known for her work rescuing over 100 Jewish refugees during World War II
Kerry Sulkowicz 1958– American psychology of corporate management
Cedric Howell Swanton 1899–1970 Australian electroconvulsive therapy
Thomas Szasz 1920–2012 American critic of conventional psychiatry
Susan Shur-Fen Gau 1962– Taiwanese Child and adolescent psychiatry
Jared Tinklenberg 1939–2020 American Alzheimer's disease
Giulio Tononi 1960– Italian Sleep research, integrated information theory, consciousness
Daniel Hack Tuke 1827–1895 British descended from the Tuke family of the York Retreat, co-author with John Charles Bucknill of the Manual of Psychological Medicine, editor of the Dictionary of Psychological Medicine, editor of the Journal of Mental Science.
E. Fuller Torrey 1937– American schizophrenia
Gordon Turnbull Scottish posttraumatic stress disorder
Vamık Volkan 1932– Turkish-Cypriot political psychiatry
Estela V. Welldon Argentine British Forensic Psychotherapist; founder, International Association of Forensic Psychotherapy
Simon Wessely 1956– British epidemiology, general hospital and combat psychiatry
Louis Jolyon West 1924–1999 American Civil rights activist
Donald Winnicott 1896–1971 British child psychiatry and psychoanalysis
Peter C. Whybrow British also researcher in bio-behavioral sciences.
Sula Wolff 1924–2009 British stress in children, schizoid personality/autism
Irvin D. Yalom 1931– American researcher into group psychotherapy and existential psychotherapy at Stanford University
Charles H. Zeanah 1951– American Leading infant psychiatrist, attachment researcher, author
Larry J. Siever 1947-2021 American Leading psychiatrist in the study of personality disorders