List of radio operas

This is a list of operas specifically written for radio performance.

Broadcast premiere Com­posed Composer Opera title Librettist and/or source(s) Radio station
24 March 1925[1] Geoffrey Toye The Red Pen A. P. Herbert British Broadcasting Company
24 December 1929[2] Gustav Kneip Christkinds Erdenreise (The Christ-child's journey on Earth) Franz Peter Kürten [de] WERAG
May 1931[3] Walter Goehr Malpopita Berlin
July 1931[4] Mark Lubbock The King Can Do No Wrong C Denis Freeman British Broadcasting Corporation
26 April 1932[5] Charles Wakefield Cadman The Willow Tree Nelle Richmond Eberhart NBC
13 July 1933[6] 1932 Werner Egk Columbus, Bericht und Bildnis (Columbus, report and portrait) Bayerischer Rundfunk
6 October 1935[7] Bohuslav Martinů Hlas lesa (The Voice of the Forest) Vítězslav Nezval Czech Radio
15 October 1936[8] Heinrich Sutermeister Die schwarze Spinne (The Black Spider) Albert Rösler, after Jeremias Gotthelf's Die schwarze Spinne Radio Bern
1937[9] Vittorio Giannini Flora CBS Radio
18 March 1937[7] Bohuslav Martinů Veselohra na mostě (Comedy on the Bridge) Martinů, after Václav Kliment Klicpera Czech Radio
17 October 1937[10] Louis Gruenberg Green Mansions after the novel Green Mansions by William Henry Hudson Columbia Broadcasting Company
1938[9] Vittorio Giannini Beauty and the Beast R. Simon CBS Radio
3 April 1939[11] 1928 Marcel Mihalovici L'intransigeant Pluton Jean-François Regnard RTF
22 April 1939[12] Gian Carlo Menotti The Old Maid and the Thief Gian Carlo Menotti NBC
2 November 1939[9] Vittorio Giannini Blennerhassett Norman Corwin, Phillip Roll CBS Radio
29 March 1942[13] Randall Thompson Solomon and Balkis after The Butterfly that Stamped by Rudyard Kipling CBS
15 September 1942[14] Mark Lubbock The Rose and the Violet Barbara Cartland British Broadcasting Corporation
10 October 1943[15] Jacques Ibert Barbe-bleu W. Aguet Radio Lausanne
1949[16] Tibor Harsányi Illusions, ou l'histoire d'un miracle P. Brive, after E. T. A. Hoffmann RTF
1 December 1949[17] 1944–48 Luigi Dallapiccola Il prigioniero (The Prisoner) after stories by Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam and Charles De Coster. RAI
18 April 1950[11] Marcel Mihalovici Phèdre Yvan Goll, after Jean Racine RTF
21 July 1950[18] Raymond Chevreuille D'un diable de briquet Chevreuille, after Hans Christian Andersen Belgian radio
3 October 1950[19] Ildebrando Pizzetti Ifigenia Pizzetti and A. Perrini RAI
15 November 1950[20] Nino Rota I due timidi (The Two Timid Ones) Suso Cecchi d'Amico RAI
21 August 1951[21] Rezső Kókai Lészen ágyú (There shall be guns) Péter Halász and József Romhányi Magyar Rádió
11 October 1951[22] 1950 Renzo Bossi Il principe felice (The Happy Prince) Bossi, after Oscar Wilde RAI
19 November 1951[23] Hans Werner Henze Ein Landarzt after Franz Kafka Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk
5 March 1952[24] Franz Reizenstein Anna Kraus Christopher Hassall BBC Third Programme
5 May 1952[18] Raymond Chevreuille L'elixir du révérend père Gaucher Chevreuille, after Alphonse Daudet Belgian radio
12 June 1952[25] Bernd Alois Zimmermann Des Menschen Unterhaltsprozeß gegen Gott (The People's Maintenance Suit Against God) Pedro Calderón de la Barca, adapted by Matthias Bungart WDR
5 November 1952[19] Ildebrando Pizzetti Cagliostro Pizzetti RAI
1953[26] Hans Vogt Die Stadt hinter dem Strom (The City Beyond the River) Hermann Kasack Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk, BBC
4 December 1953[23] Hans Werner Henze Das Ende einer Welt (The End of a World) Wolfgang Hildesheimer Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk
10 January 1954[18] Raymond Chevreuille Atta Troll Chevreuille, after Heinrich Heine Atta Troll, ein Sommernachtstraum Belgian radio
24 September 1954[27] Henk Badings Orestes Florence
9 November 1954[11][28] Marcel Mihalovici Die Heimkehr (The Homecoming) K. H. Ruppel, after Guy de Maupassant Hessicher Rundfunk
15 November 1954[29] Donald Swann, channelling Dame Hilda Tablet Emily Butter Henry Reed BBC Third Programme
9 August 1955[30] William Alwyn Farewell Companions H. A. L. Craig BBC
28 December 1955[31] Germaine Tailleferre Monsieur Petit Pois achète un château Denise Centore Radio France
28 December 1955[31] Germaine Tailleferre Le bel ambitieux Denise Centore Radio France
28 December 1955[31] Germaine Tailleferre La pauvre Eugénie Denise Centore Radio France
28 December 1955[31] Germaine Tailleferre La Fille d'opéra Denise Centore Radio France
1957[27] Henk Badings Asterion Johannesburg
28 February 1957[32] 1956 Sven-Erik Bäck Tranfjädrarna (The Crane Feathers) Bertil Malmberg, after Junji Kinoshita Swedish Radio
10 November 1959[33] Grażyna Bacewicz Przygoda Króla Artura (The Adventure of King Arthur) Polish Radio
19 November 1959[20] Nino Rota La notte di un nevrastenico R. Bacchelli RAI
12 July 1960[31] 1959 Germaine Tailleferre Le Maître Eugène Ionesco Radio France
30 September 1960[31] 1957 Germaine Tailleferre La petite sirène Ph. Soupault after H. C. Andersen' "The Little Mermaid" Radio France
1961[34] Niccolò Castiglioni Attraverso lo specchio (Through the Looking-Glass) after Lewis Carroll and also his Alice in Wonderland RAI
1961[35] Piotr Perkowski Girlandy (Garlands)
14 February 1961[32] Sven-Erik Bäck Fågeln (The Bird) P. Verner-Carlson, after A. Obrenovic Swedish Radio
27 August 1961[36] Emil Petrovics C'est la guerre Miklos Hubay Hungarian Broadcasting Corporation
12 August 1962[37] Bruno Maderna Don Perlimplin Bruno Maderna, after Federico García Lorca RAI
8 March 1964[38] Humphrey Searle The Photo of the Colonel Searle, after Eugène Ionesco BBC
16 December 1969[39] Bent Lorentzen Euridice Bent Lorentzen DR (broadcaster)
17 May 1971[23] Hans Werner Henze Der langwierige Weg in die Wohnung der Natascha Ungeheuer (The Tedious Way to Natascha Ungeheuer's Apartment) Gaston Salvatore RAI
1972[40] 1970–71 Bernadetta Matuszczak Humanae voces after Genesis, Saint John, Mahatma Gandhi, Anne Frank, etc. Polish Radio
1973[41] Tomasz Sikorski Sinbad the Sailor after a poem by Bolesław Leśmian Polish Radio
1975[42] Otomar Kvěch Jaro je tu (Spring Is Here) (1975)
14 January 1977[43] Anthony Gilbert The Chakravaka-Bird after poems by Mahadevi Varma, translated by A. K. Ramanujan, Daniel H. H. Ingalls Sr. and Anthony Gilbert BBC
1978[42] Otomar Kvěch Před vánocemi (Before Christmas) (1978)
3 July 1979[40] 1976–77 Bernadetta Matuszczak Apocalypsis after Revelation Polish Radio
1980[42] Otomar Kvěch Jak přišel podzim (When Autumn Came)
2 September 1982[44] Karl Aage Rasmussen Historien om Jonas (The story of Jonah) Poul Borum DR
4 January 1989[45] 1986 Nicola LeFanu The Story of Mary O'Neill S. McInerney BBC
1991[46] Giulio Castagnoli Al Museo in volo & a zompi (To the Museum) Ugo Nespolo Rai Radio 3
1996[46] Giulio Castagnoli Lontananze vicino a noi Dario Voltolini RAI
14 April 2004[47] Jüri Reinvere The Opposite Shore Tamu Tohver, Jüri Reinvere Eesti Raadio
8 July 2005[48] Amy Kohn 1, Plum Square Amy Kohn WNYC
9 July 2010[49] Robert Saxton The Wandering Jew Robert Saxton BBC Radio 3
  1. ^ "Broadcasting", The Times, 24 March 1925, p. 23
  2. ^ Andrew Oster (November 2010). Radio, rubble, and reconstruction: The genre of Funkoper in postwar occupied Germany and the German Federal Republic, 1946–1957 (PhD dissertation). Princeton University. p. 4.
  3. ^ "Malpopita", review in Time, 11 May 1931.
  4. ^ "The King Can Do No Wrong", Radio Times, Issue 408, 26th July 1931, p. 40
  5. ^ Thomas Warburton: Cadman, Charles Wakefield, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 676.
  6. ^ Erik Levi: Egk, Werner, in Sadie, vol 2, pp. 22–24.
  7. ^ a b Jan Smaczny: Martinů, Bohuslav, in Sadie, vol. 3, pp. 237–239.
  8. ^ Erik Levi: Sutermeister, Heinrich, in Sadie, vol. 4, pp. 610–611.
  9. ^ a b c Harry Haskell, Walter Simmons: Giannini, Vittorio, in Sadie, vol. 2, p. 405.
  10. ^ Robert F. Nisbett: Gruenberg, Louis, in Sadie, vol. 2, pp. 555–556
  11. ^ a b c Cosma, Viorel: Mihalovici, Marcel, in Sadie, vol. 3, p. 386.
  12. ^ Bruce Archibald: Menotti, Gian Carlo, in Sadie, vol. 3, pp. 332–334.
  13. ^ Elliot Forbes: Thompson, Randall, in Sadie, vol. 4, p. 729.
  14. ^ "The Rose and the Violet", Radio Times, Issue 989, 13 September, 1942, p. 10
  15. ^ Richard Langham Smith: Ibert, Jacques, in Sadie, vol. 2, pp. 779–780
  16. ^ Arthur Hoérée: Harsányi, Tibor, in Sadie, vol. 2, p. 651.
  17. ^ Anthony Sellors: Dallapiccola, Luigi, in Sadie, vol 1, pp. 1050–1051.
  18. ^ a b c Henri Vanhulst: Chevreuille, Raymond, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 838.
  19. ^ a b Guido M. Gatti, John C. G. Waterhouse: Pizzetti, Ildebrando, in Sadie, vol. 3, pp. 1025–1027.
  20. ^ a b Giordano Montecchi: Rota, Nino, in Sadie, vol. 4, pp. 68–69.
  21. ^ Kókai Rezső-daljátékai: a Fülemüle, a Lészen ágyú és a Hét-falu kovácsa, pp. 38–39
  22. ^ John C. G. Waterhouse: Bossi, Renzo, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 566.
  23. ^ a b c Andrew Clements Henze, Hans Werner, in Sadie, vol. 2, pp. 695–697
  24. ^ Hugo Cole: Reizenstein, Franz, in Sadie, vol. 3, p. 1287.
  25. ^ "Bernd Alois Zimmermann: Des Menschen Unterhaltprozess gegen Gott" (work details) (in French and English). IRCAM.
  26. ^ Vogt, Hans, in Sadie, vol. 4, p. 1037.
  27. ^ a b Jos Wouters, Leo Samama: Badings, Henk, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 275.
  28. ^ Lionel Salter: Radio, Early History, in Sadie, vol. 3, p. 1212
  29. ^ Emily Butter
  30. ^ Adrian Wright: The Innumerable Dance: The Life and Work of William Alwyn (2008), pp. 152–5
  31. ^ a b c d e f Tailleferre catalogue at Gérard Billaudot Editeur, December 1996
  32. ^ a b Andres Wiklund: Bäck, Sven-Erik, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 272.
  33. ^ Adrian Thomas: Bacewicz, Grażyna, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 268.
  34. ^ Niccolò Castiglioni: biography at Allmusic
  35. ^ Piotr Perkowski: Information, Videos , News and Images
  36. ^ Janos Kárpáti: Petrovics, Emil, in Sadie, vol. 3, p. 988
  37. ^ Raymond Fearn: Maderna, Bruno, in Sadie, vol. 3, pp. 140–141.
  38. ^ Hugo Cole: Humphrey Searle, in Sadie, vol. 4, p. 281.
  39. ^ Jens Brincker: Lorentzen, Bent, in Sadie, vol. 3, p. 45.
  40. ^ a b Adrian Thomas: Matuszczak, Bernadetta, in Sadie, Vol. 3, p. 273
  41. ^ About Little Warsaw Autumn: Sinbad the Sailor by Tomasz Sikorski, after Bolesław Leśmian Archived 2013-04-16 at
  42. ^ a b c Otomar Kvěch: List of Works
  43. ^ Hugo Cole: Gilbert, Anthony, in Sadie, vol 2, pp. 413–414.
  44. ^ "Det Virtuelle Musikbibliotek: Rasmussen, Karl Aage: Historien om Jonas". Archived from the original on 2015-12-07. Retrieved 2012-09-23.
  45. ^ Christopher Wintle: LeFanu, Nicola, in Sadie, vol. 2, p. 1122.
  46. ^ a b Castagnoli, Giulio at
  47. ^ FIMIC (Finnish Music Information Centre): Jüri Reinvere: The Opposite Shore
  48. ^ WNYC: Spinning on Air, Amy Kohn's radio opera 1 Plum Sq.
  49. ^ BBC Radio 3: World premiere of The Wandering Jew, 9 July, 2010