Loire's 2nd constituency

2nd constituency of Loire
Constituency of the
National Assembly of France
Constituency in Department
Location of Loire in France

The 2nd constituency of Loire is one of six French legislative constituencies in the Loire department, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

It consists of the (pre-2014 cantonal re-organisation) cantons of Saint Étienne South-East 1, 2 and 3 and Saint Étienne South-West 1.[1] Its population was 85,551 at the 1999 census.[2]

  1. ^ Charles Pasqua, ministre de l'intérieur (25 November 1986). "Loi relative à la délimitation des circonscriptions pour l'élection des députés, surnommée redécoupage Pasqua (du nom de Charles Pasqua ministre de l'intérieur en 1986)". Publication au JORF du 25 novembre 1986 (in French). Retrieved 16 January 2019.
  2. ^ site de l'Assemblée nationale française (ed.). "La population des circonscriptions électorales (Recensement de 1999)" (in French). Retrieved 5 February 2019.