M. Dias Branco

Food industry M. Dias Branco in Natal.

M. Dias Branco S.A. is a Brazilian multinational company that manufactures, markets and distributes biscuit, pasta, cakes, snacks, wheat flour, margarine and vegetable shortening throughout Brazil, headquartered in the city of Eusébio, Ceará.

M. Dias Branco is a public company, registered by BOVESPA, with shares traded under the ticker MDIA3.[1] It is the leading company in the field of pasta in Brazil, holding 26.1% of the Brazilian biscuit market and 25.4% of the pasta market,[2] according to Ac Nielsen (Mar.Apr/2012), and the third largest producer Brazilian wheat flour. It employs almost fourteen thousand employees, has fourteen industrial units and 25 distribution centers throughout the country.

  1. ^ "Filed Copy". BMFBovespa (in Portuguese). Archived from the original on 2010-09-27. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
  2. ^ "Lucro da M. Dias Branco sobe 41,2% no 2º trimestre". Brasil Econômico (in Portuguese). Archived from the original on 2012-07-30. Retrieved 2012-07-30.