MI4 was a Section of the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) established in December 1915. Directorate of Military Intelligence, Section 4 was the designation for the Topgraphic Section of the Directorate, in the charge of Lt Col Walter Coote Hedely. It was responsible for the following (recorded by Lt Col Hedely in 1919): (a) A Staff of 6 Officers (5 General Staff and 1 civilian) whose duty it is to make all preparation for the provision of the necessary maps for peace and war. This includes the compilation, drawing and reproduction of maps. Each Officer deals with a special area, and it is his duty to have a complete knowledge of the maps and surveys (or lack of surveys) of his area and to keep in touch with all the Survey Departments in those areas. The GSGS is in constant communication with the Ordnance Survey and with the Surveys of India and Egypt, and with the Surveys of all British Colonies and Protectorates, and with the surveys of Foreign Countries, especially France, Belgium and Italy. (b) A Map Curator who has charge of a library of maps which include copies of all published topographical maps of the world and a vast mass of unpublished maps and map material. This is an essential part of any geographical establishment and is the material from which all new work is done. (c) A staff of 22 geographical draughtsmen. (d) A photographic establishment. (e) A lithographic establishment including three printing machines. (f) A map store where GSGS maps are stored and whence they are issued.