Yugoslav MRUD anti-personnel mine (back, side view)
Yugoslav MRUD anti-personnel mine (front, accessories fitted)
Yugoslav MRUD anti-personnel mine (line drawing)
Yugoslav MRUD anti-personnel mine fielded

The MRUD (Mina usmerena rasprskavajućeg dejstva - Directed fragmentation mine) is a Yugoslav plastic bodied, convex rectangular directional type anti-personnel mine designed to wound or kill by fragmentation. It is broadly similar to the M18A1 Claymore mine.

The casing is a light green color with two detonator wells and three crude sight lines on the top and an embossed grid pattern on the front of some early mines. Two detachable metal legs fit in slots on the bottom to secure the mine when it is ground mounted.

The body of the MRUD is waterproof and the mine can be used in temperatures from −30˚ to +50˚ C. The mine body contains 900 grams of TNT-based explosive and 650 5.5-millimeter steel balls. When fired the fragmentation has a lethal arc of 60 degrees and a lethal range of 40–50 meters. The MRUD kit comes packed with a manual inductor, circuit test device and an EK-40-69 electric detonator. The mine can be command detonated from up to 30 meters away using a manual inductor or another electrical power source. The fuse cavities also accept any Serbian booby trap fuse with an M10 × 1 mm including the UMP-1 and UMP-2 pull and the UMNOP-1 multi-function fuse.

The MRUD comes packed in a grey/green colored canvas shoulder bag which also contains the firing cable a circuit tester and a manual inductor. Ten of these sets come packed in a natural wooden crate.

These mines have been encountered mounted high in trees as well as the more conventional ground mounting. The MRUD can be located visually as well as with metal detectors. Depending on the actuation method the MRUD will have a limited resistance to blast overpressure from explosive breaching methods like the Giant Viper and MICLIC.