Manius Sergius Fidenas

Manius Sergius Fidenas was a consular tribune of the Roman Republic in 404 and 402 BC.[1]

Sergius belonged to the Sergia gens, a young patrician gentes of the Republic which had first risen to become consulares with Lucius Sergius Fidenas in 437 BC. Sergius' father, taken from filiations, was named Lucius which could identify him as the consular of 437 BC, or another otherwise unattested individual. Sergius had one known son Lucius Sergius Fidenas, consular tribune in 397 BC and possible another son or grandson named Gaius Sergius Fidenas Coxo, consular tribune in 387 BC.[2][3]

  1. ^ Broughton, Magistrates of the Roman Republic, 1951, vol i, pp.81, 83
  2. ^ Broughton, vol i
  3. ^ Ogilvie, R.M. A Commentary on Livy: Books 1-5, Oxford, 1965, pp.624