Maritime safety

Maritime safety as part of and overlapping with water safety is concerned with the protection of life (search and rescue) and property through regulation, management and technology development of all forms of waterborne transportation. The executive institutions are the national and transnational maritime administrations. maritime accidents, while characterized by a level of safety of the order of 10−5 (1 serious accident per 100,000 movements), which is only slightly inferior to that of the field of air transportation (10−6) are a significant source of risk for insurance companies, transport companies and property owners.[1] Beyond that, of course, ship owners and maritime institutions have to ensure that casualties at sea (mostly by drowning) are kept to the possible minimum. Organizational and human factors are critical antecedents to accidents such as MV Prestige, Herald of Free Enterprise, MS Sleipner, MS Estonia, Bow Mariner and Hoegh Osaka as well as the infamous Titanic.[2]

  1. ^ Chauvin 2011, pp. 625–632.
  2. ^ Oltedal 2018.