Mark Tebbe

Mark Tebbe (born July 1, 1961) is an adjunct professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business where he helped develop and co-teaches the Entrepreneurial Discovery class[1] having served in this role since 2011. In addition to his appointment as adjunct professor, Mark is an Entrepreneur-in-Residence in Booth's Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation where he mentors students and advises faculty in developing technological business techniques.[2] He is an active investor and mentor to various companies in the startup ecosystem as part of Hyde Park Angels.[3]

Tebbe was named Chairman of ChicagoNEXT, a dedicated effort of World Business Chicago to drive growth and opportunity in science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in Chicago in May, 2015.[4] Tebbe also serves as a special advisor to Merrick Ventures and assists with several portfolio investments such as higi, Merge Healthcare, and Wrapports (Chicago Sun-Times and Pioneer Press).[5] Tebbe became a board member to Enova in October 2014, where he serves on the Audit, Nominating and Corporate Governance, as well as the Management Development and Compensation Committees.

Tebbe is involved with civic organizations including the Field Museum of Chicago (Trustee and Executive Board Member), Economic Club of Chicago (Technology and Program Committee Member), Aspen Institute (2000 Crown Fellow), Chicago Entrepreneur Council (Executive Board Member), and 1871 (Executive Committee and Board Member).

  1. ^ Chicago Booth website
  2. ^ Polsky Center Interview
  3. ^ Hyde Park Angels Website
  4. ^ "World Business Chicago names entrepreneur Mark Tebbe as Chairman of ChicagoNEXT". 12 May 2015.
  5. ^ Merrick Ventures website Archived 2011-07-14 at the Wayback Machine