Master's degree (France)

Diplôme National de Master
A Master's degree from the University of Montpellier
TypeMaster's degree
DurationTwo years
PrerequisitesLicentiate (degree)

In the French education system, a master's degree is both a national higher education diploma and a university degree. The Diplôme National de Master (in English: "National master's degree") is delivered by an academic institution, usually a university, two years after obtaining a Diplôme National de Licence or a Licence (French equivalent of a Bachelor's degree, worth 300 ECTS) or any other diploma or qualification equivalent to 300 ECTS recognized by the French government. It confers the degree of the same name. A grade de master (master's degree) may also be awarded by non-university institutions such as engineering schools. The French Ministry of Higher Education has set up a web portal listing all the masters available in France: (in English: "MyMaster").

The name "master" is inspired by the term master's degree which is used by universities in English-speaking countries.