Maubeuge Abbey

St. Madelberte, Abbess of Maubeuge, being tempted by a demon while in prayer, from a woodcut by Leonhard Beck (1517-1519)

Maubeuge Abbey (French: Abbaye de Maubeuge; Latin: Malbodiense monasterium)[1][2] was a women's monastery in Maubeuge, in the County of Hainaut, now northern France, close to the modern border with Belgium. It is best known today as the abbey founded by St. Aldegonde, still a popular figure of devotion in the region. It is thought to have possibly been where the young Jan Gossaert, a Renaissance-era painter known as Jan Mabuse, was educated, claimed by some to have been a native of the town of Maubeuge, which grew up around the abbey.

  1. ^ "Malbodiense monasterium fundatur"nnnnnnn,
  2. ^ Vita Aldegundis abbatissae Malbodiensis,