
Prince of Athens
Member of the Athenian Royal Family
Other namesMedeus, Polyxenus
AbodeAthens, then Colchis
Parents(1) Aegeus and (2) Medea or
(3) Jason and Medea
Siblings(1) & (3) Eriopis
(2) Theseus (half-brother)

In Greek mythology, Medus (Ancient Greek: Μῆδος) or Medeus (Μηδείας or Μήδειος) was an Athenian prince as the son of King Aegeus,[1] thus a half-brother of the hero Theseus.

  1. ^ Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca historica 4.55.5–7 & 4.56.1; Apollodorus, 1.9.28; Pausanias, Graeciae Descriptio 2.3.8; Hyginus, Fabulae 26, 27, 244 & 275