Micro Transport Protocol

Micro Transport Protocol (μTP, sometimes uTP) is an open User Datagram Protocol-based (UDP-based) variant of the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing protocol intended to mitigate poor latency and other congestion control problems found in conventional BitTorrent over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), while providing reliable, ordered delivery.

It was devised to automatically slow down[1] the rate at which packets of data are transmitted between users of peer-to-peer file sharing torrents when it interferes with other applications. For example, the protocol should automatically allow the sharing of a DSL line between a BitTorrent application and a web browser.

  1. ^ "Forum.bittorrent.org / A few comments about µTP (BEP-29)". Archived from the original on March 1, 2010. Retrieved November 15, 2009.