
A Midrasha (Hebrew: מדרשה‎; pl.: midrashot/midrashas), typically, is an institute of Torah study for women of post-high-school age, [1] somewhat equivalent to a men's yeshiva; most are located in Israel. The midrasha is also somewhat parallel to a "women's seminary" (Hebrew סמינר‎ "seminar", sometimes "seminaria" [2]), which functions in a similar form. While the terms may sometimes become interchangeable, "midrashot" are commonly linked to Religious Zionism, while the women's "seminaries" are usually associated with Haredi Judaism.

The term midrasha may sometimes be used to refer to pluralistic institutions; [2] also referenced are a selection of secular (non-Torah) institutions including Informal education colleges and [2] Israeli field schools focused on nature and ecology.[2] To distinguish, in Israel particularly, the religious focused institutions may be termed "Midrasha Toranit" (Torah Midrasha) or "Midrasha l'Banot" (Girls' Midrasha). [1] [3]