Minimum alveolar concentration or MAC is the concentration, often expressed as a percentage by volume, of a vapour in the alveoli of the lungs that is needed to prevent movement (motor response) in 50% of subjects in response to surgical (pain) stimulus. MAC is used to compare the strengths, or potency, of anaesthetic vapours.[1] The concept of MAC was first introduced in 1965.[2]
MAC actually is a median value, not a minimum as term implies. The original paper proposed MAC as the minimal alveolar concentration,[3] which was shortly thereafter revised to minimum alveolar concentration.[4] A lower MAC value represents a more potent volatile anesthetic.
Other uses of MAC include MAC-BAR (1.7–2.0 MAC), which is the concentration required to block autonomic reflexes to nociceptive stimuli, and MAC-awake (0.3–0.5 MAC), the concentration required to block voluntary reflexes and control perceptive awareness.