Model steam engine

Stationary model steam engine by Märklin, 1909

A model steam engine is a small steam engine not built for serious use. Often they are built as an educational toy for children, in which case it is also called a toy steam engine, or for live steam enthusiasts. Between the 18th and early 20th centuries, demonstration models were also in use at universities and engineering schools, frequently designed and built by students as part of their curriculum.[1]

Model steam engines have been made in many forms by a number of manufacturers, but building model steam engines from scratch is popular among adult steam enthusiasts, although this generally requires access to a lathe and/or milling machine.[2] Those without a lathe can alternatively purchase prefabricated parts.[3]

  1. ^ "Penn State Engineering: Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Department Split".
  2. ^ Hasluck, p. 10
  3. ^ Hasluck, p. 21