Moesian Limes

Danube Frontier system before 106 AD

The Moesian Limes (Latin: Limes Moesicus) is the modern term given to a linked series of Roman forts on the northern frontier of the Roman province of Moesia along the Danube between the Black Sea shore and Pannonia (present-day Hungary) and dating from the 1st century AD. It was the eastern section of the so-called Danubian Limes[1] and protected the Roman provinces of Upper and Lower Moesia south of the river. The eastern section (today in Romania) is often called the limes Scythiae minoris[2] as it was located in the late Roman province of Scythia Minor.

Map of Roman provinces in 150 AD
  1. ^ Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Danube Limes (Bulgaria)
  2. ^ Frontiers of the Roman Empire - The Danube Limes (Romania)