
Developer(s)Moovit Inc
Stable release
5.118 (iOS)
5.118 (Android)
5.0 (Moovit on Web)
Operating systemAndroid, iOS, Mobile Web
TypeGPS navigation software
LicenseSoftware: Proprietary
Maps: Proprietary & OpenStreetMap data.

Moovit (Hebrew: מוביט) is an Israel-based mobility as a service provider and journey planner app. It is owned by Mobileye and was acquired by Intel in 2020 until Mobileye's IPO in 2022. Moovit uses both crowdsourced and official public transit data to provide route planning to users as well as transit data APIs to transit companies, cities, and transit agencies. Because Moovit integrates crowdsourced data, it can provide transit information for areas where no data is officially available.