Morgentaler v R

Morgentaler v R
Supreme Court of Canada
Hearing: October 2, 3, 4, 7, 1974
Judgment: 1975-03-26
Full case nameDr. Henry Morgentaler (Appellant) v Her Majesty The Queen (Respondent) and Attorney General of Canada, Foundation for Women in Crisis, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Alliance for Life, Association des médecins du Québec and the Front Commun pour le Respect de la vie, and Fondation pour la vie (Interveners)
CitationsMorgentaler v. The Queen, [1976] 1 S.C.R. 616
Prior historyAPPEAL from a judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench, Appeal Side, Province of Quebec: R v Morgentaler, [1974] CA 129 (Casey, Rinfret, Crete, Bélanger and Dubé JJ.A).
RulingAppeal dismissed.
Section 251 of the Criminal Code which prohibits abortion except under certain circumstances is a valid exercise of the federal criminal law power and does not infringe the Canadian Bill of Rights. The indictment was not an abuse of process. The defence of necessity did not apply, nor did the defence set out in s 45 of the Criminal Code relating to medical procedures. The Court of Appeal had the power to set aside the acquittal and enter a conviction, but this power is to be used with great circumspection.
Court membership
Chief JusticeLaskin CJC
Puisne JusticesMartland, Judson, Ritchie, Spence, Pigeon, Dickson, Beetz and de Grandpré JJ
Reasons given
MajorityPigeon J, joined by Martland, Ritchie, Beetz and de Grandpré JJ
MajorityDickson J, joined by Martland, Ritchie, Beetz and de Grandpré JJ
ConcurrenceDickson J
ConcurrencePigeon J
Concur/dissentLaskin CJC, joined by Judson and Spence JJ
Laws applied
Criminal Code, RSC 1970, c C-34, ss 45, 251(1), (4), 613(4)(b), 603, 605, 618(2)

Morgentaler v R (also known as Morgentaler v The Queen) is a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada where physician Henry Morgentaler unsuccessfully challenged the prohibition of abortion in Canada under the federal Criminal Code. The Court found the abortion law was appropriately passed by Parliament under the laws of federalism. This was the first of three Supreme Court decisions on abortion that were brought by Morgentaler.