Music Hall Strike of 1907

A 1907 propaganda poster, used to gain support in favour of performers

The Music Hall Strike of 1907 was a theatrical dispute which took place between music hall employees, stage artistes and London theatre proprietors. The catalyst for the strikes were the employees' lack of pay, the scrapping of perks, and an increase in working hours, and matinée performances.

The strike commenced on 22 January 1907 at the Holborn Empire in London and lasted for two weeks. The dispute gained momentum owing to the support from popular entertainers including Marie Dainton, Marie Lloyd, Arthur Roberts, Joe Elvin and Gus Elen,[1] all of whom were active on picket lines outside both London and provincial theatres.

The strikes ended two weeks later and resulted in a rise in pay and better working conditions for both stage workers and artistes.[2]

  1. ^ "Music Hall War", Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 5 February 1907, p. 8
  2. ^ "Music Hall War Ended", Hull Daily Mail, 9 November 1907, p. 4