Mystic chord

Mystic chord
Component intervals from root
major second
major sixth
major third
minor seventh
augmented fourth
Forte no.

In music, the mystic chord or Prometheus chord is a six-note synthetic chord and its associated scale, or pitch collection; which loosely serves as the harmonic and melodic basis for some of the later pieces by Russian composer Alexander Scriabin. Scriabin, however, did not use the chord directly but rather derived material from its transpositions.

When rooted in C, the mystic chord consists of the pitch classes: C, F, B, E, A, D.

\override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\relative c' { 
  \clef treble \time 4/4 <c fis bes e a d>1
} }

This is often interpreted as a quartal hexachord consisting of an augmented fourth, diminished fourth, augmented fourth, and two perfect fourths. The chord is related to other pitch collections, such as being a hexatonic subset of the overtone scale, also known in jazz circles as the Lydian dominant scale, lacking the perfect fifth.