Nangar Khel incident

Nangar Khel incident
LocationNangar Khel, Paktika Province, Afghanistan
DateAugust 16, 2007
Attack type
Mortar strike
VictimsAfghan civilians
PerpetratorsPolish soldiers

The Nangar Khel incident, sometimes called the Nangar Khel massacre, took place in the Afghan village of Nangar Khel (Paktika Province) on August 16, 2007. A few hours after an insurgent IED ambush which damaged Polish wheeled armored vehicle (KTO Rosomak), a patrol of Polish soldiers from the elite 18th Airborne-Assault Battalion taking part in the International Security Assistance Force opened heavy machine gun and 60 mm mortar fire at the area of the village. The attack resulted in the deaths of 6 civilians, including a pregnant woman and 3 children, and seriously injured 3 other women.[1]

Seven soldiers were court-martialed over the incident, but all of them were acquitted.

  1. ^ "Wikileaks report details Nangar Khel 'massacre' - Warsaw Business Journal - Online Portal -". Archived from the original on 2010-08-17. Retrieved 2012-03-07.