National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife

The National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife was founded as a project of the Australian Museum on 3 June 1969 (as the National Photographic Index of Australian Birds) to compile a comprehensive collection of photographs of Australian bird species. The founder, Donald Trounson, served as the project’s chief executive officer until 1981, when he was succeeded by Ronald Strahan. It was established in association with the National Library of Australia under the direction of a trust chaired by Sir Percy Spender and was the first systematic attempt to compile a comprehensive photographic record of the birds of any country. In 1977 it was expanded to include mammals and, in 1984, reptiles and frogs, with the aim of progressively including other animal groups to become the most comprehensive possible archive of photographs of Australian wildlife and to provide an expanding service to the public, to photographers and to biological science. In November 1980 the Index was incorporated as a part of the Australian Museum and the trust dissolved.[1][2]

  1. ^ Australian Museum: Selected Archival Holdings.
  2. ^ Serventy (1982), p.xiii.