National Security Law (Brazil)

National Security Law
Preamble of the Brazilian National Security Law.
National Congress
Territorial extentBrazil
Signed byJoão Figueiredo
SignedDecember 14, 1983
CommencedDecember 15, 1983
Repealed1 December 2021
Administered byFederal government
National Security Act of 1978 (Law No. 6,620 of December 17, 1978)
Repealed by
Law No. 14,197 of September 1, 2021
Defines crimes against national security, political and social order, establishes their procedure and judgment, and makes other provisions.
Status: Repealed

The National Security Law was a Brazilian law that sought to guarantee the national security of the State against the subversion of law and order.[1][2] It was revoked in 2021 by Law No. 14,197,[3] though its provisions pertaining national security and the defense of the democratic rule of law, including crimes against national sovereignty — attacks on the nation's sovereignty, national integrity and espionage — became part of the Brazilian Penal Code.[4]

  1. ^ CEPIK, Marco (2001). Segurança Nacional e Segurança Humana: Problemas Conceituais e Consequências Políticas [em linha]. Security and Defense Studies Review. Vol. 1 Spring 2001.
  2. ^ CARVALHO, Jorge Silva (2009). Segurança Nacional, Serviços de Informações e as Forças Armadas. Segurança e Defesa n.º 11. Setembro-Novembro 2009
  3. ^ LEI Nº 14.197, DE 1º DE SETEMBRO DE 2021. Portal da Imprensa Nacional. Acesso em 2 de setembro de 2021.
  4. ^ Sancionada a revogação da Lei de Segurança Nacional; artigo contra disseminação de fake news é vetado. Agência Senado. Acesso em 2 de setembro de 2021