The National Treasure franchise consists of Americanhistorical fictionaction-adventures, including two released theatrical films, a prequel book series, and a television series set 20 years after the films. Future installments, notably a third film, have been under consideration for many years. The plot of the films and books centers around the Gates family – treasure hunters who search for and preserve lost valuables from the history of the United States of America – while the TV series references this background and features some common characters.
The first film was a financial success at the box office.[1] While it was met with mixed reviews by critics, who compared the movie unfavorably to Indiana Jones and The Da Vinci Code,[2][3][4][5] audience response was positive, and the film has gained a positive legacy.[6][7] The second film was also met with mixed critical reception, and had specific criticism directed at its use of similar plot devices,[8][9] believability,[10] and pacing.[11] The film was met with positive response from audiences and made significant ticket revenue at the box office, and profit then and from further distribution for The Walt Disney Company.[1][12][13][14]
The television series for Disney+ was developed in the 2020s, releasing globally in mid-December 2022, while a third film has been under discussion for more than ten years.[15][16]