Near-death studies

Near-death studies is a field of psychology and psychiatry[1] that studies the physiology, phenomenology and after-effects of the near-death experience (NDE). The field was originally associated with a distinct group of North American researchers that followed up on the initial work of Raymond Moody, and who later established the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) and the Journal of Near-Death Studies. Since then the field has expanded, and now includes contributions from a wide range of researchers and commentators worldwide. Research on near-death experiences is mainly limited to the disciplines of medicine, psychology and psychiatry.

  1. ^ Cant, Robyn; Cooper, Simon; Chung, Catherine; O’Connor, Margaret. The divided self: Near death experiences of resuscitated patients – A review of literature. International Emergency Nursing, Volume 20, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 88-93