
Pedestrians and cyclists are both non-motorist road users

A non motorist[1] is a road user who, in the event of a collision with other road users, is not protected by a surrounding collision protection. This group includes pedestrians, cyclists, skiers, pushchairs, wheelchairs or kicksledders. They are often studied as an own group in motor vehicle crashes.[2]

In Norwegian, the term used is myk trafikant (literally "soft road user"), and sometimes also includes moped riders and motorcyclists[3] since these have much less protection than car passengers. The term "soft" refers to the fact that these road users are particularly exposed in case of traffic accidents.

The term non motorist also sometimes used in connection with traffic's environmental consequences, since most groups of non motorists neither contribute to the greenhouse effect nor to acid rain.

  1. ^ Sullivan, Sean (2018-06-01). "Non-Motorist Type". Mass Crash Report Manual. Retrieved 2024-09-26.
  2. ^ Marcoux, Robert; Pervaz, Shahrior; Eluru, Naveen (June 2024). "Assessing non-motorist safety in motor vehicle crashes – a copula-based approach to jointly estimate crash location type and injury severity". Analytic Methods in Accident Research. 42 (0). ISSN 2213-6657.
  3. ^ "Trafikksikkerhetshåndboken | Definisjoner og ordforklaringer" (in Norwegian Bokmål). Retrieved 2024-09-26. Myk trafikant: Se ubeskyttet trafikant. Ubeskyttet trafikant: Trafikant som ved sammenstøt med andre trafikanter ikke er beskyttet av omgivende kollisjonsvern. Brukes ofte som fellesbetegnelse på fotgjengere, syklister, mopedister og motorsyklister.