Nurturant parent model

The nurturant parent model also known as the "Nurturing Parent" is a metaphor used for a belief system, (built upon an underlying value system)[citation needed] that goes in contrast with the Stern Father (Strict Father) parenting belief system. Each system reflects a contrasting value system in parenthood, i.e. conservative parenting and liberal parenting.

The "Nurturant Parent" is one of the various parenting styles in practice in the world. A Nurturing Parent gives his/her children both "roots in the ground" and "wings to fly". The parent accomplishes this by conveying, role-modeling and enforcing boundaries which encourage the child to explore their personal freedom (trying their new wings) while practicing self-discipline as well. The Nurturant Parent model has a healthy respect for children's inherent intelligence. Thus children are allowed to explore their environment under a careful watch by their parents, who are responsible for protecting the child from serious mistakes, by offering guidance. A child will be picked up if the child cries because the parent wants the child to feel safe and supported. If a child grows up believing their needs are likely to be met, (s)he will grow out confident, ready to face challenges.[citation needed] Meanwhile the Nurturant Parent also encourages their children to have their roots deeply implanted in stable grounds. This is done by making the child practice appropriate amount of self-discipline and self-connection. They may be asked to do age-appropriate house chores, limit money they spend, take part in discussions of "feelings" and "thoughts" and practice setting healthy boundaries with strangers, friends and adults in general.

The above elaboration was originally expressed more simply as 'a family model where children are expected to explore their surroundings; at the same time, being protected by their parents.'[citation needed]

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