Oda Katsunaga

Oda Katsunaga (織田 勝長, born 1569, died June 21, 1582) was a Japanese samurai of the Sengoku period through early Azuchi-Momoyama Period, who was the fifth son of Oda Nobunaga.

At a very young age, Katsunaga, then known as "Gobomaru", was given in adoption to Toyama Kagetou and his wife, Lady Otsuya, at Iwamura Castle. Lady Otsuya was Oda Nobunaga's aunt. In 1572, the castle was captured by Takeda forces under Akiyama Nobutomo, and Gobomaru, then four years old, became a hostage of the Takeda.

In 1581, Takeda Katsuyori released Gobomaru (Katsunaga) to the Oda clan, who returned him to Iwamura Castle, which had been re-taken during his absence.