Outerplanar graph

A maximal outerplanar graph and its 3-coloring
The complete graph K4 is the smallest planar graph that is not outerplanar.

In graph theory, an outerplanar graph is a graph that has a planar drawing for which all vertices belong to the outer face of the drawing.

Outerplanar graphs may be characterized (analogously to Wagner's theorem for planar graphs) by the two forbidden minors K4 and K2,3, or by their Colin de Verdière graph invariants. They have Hamiltonian cycles if and only if they are biconnected, in which case the outer face forms the unique Hamiltonian cycle. Every outerplanar graph is 3-colorable, and has degeneracy and treewidth at most 2.

The outerplanar graphs are a subset of the planar graphs, the subgraphs of series–parallel graphs, and the circle graphs. The maximal outerplanar graphs, those to which no more edges can be added while preserving outerplanarity, are also chordal graphs and visibility graphs.