Packet capture appliance

A packet capture appliance is a standalone device that performs packet capture.[1] Packet capture appliances may be deployed anywhere on a network, however, most commonly are placed at the entrances to the network (i.e. the internet connections) and in front of critical equipment, such as servers containing sensitive information.

In general, packet capture appliances capture and record all network packets in full (both header and payload), however, some appliances may be configured to capture a subset of a network's traffic based on user-definable filters. For many applications, especially network forensics and incident response, it is critical to conduct full packet capture, though filtered packet capture may be used at times for specific, limited information gathering purposes.[2]

  1. ^ "What is Network Packet Capture?". 2023.
  2. ^ Sherri Davidoff. "Network Forensics: Tracking Hackers Through Cyberspace". Retrieved 2012-07-08.