Paddington tram depot fire

The Paddington tram depot fire occurred on the night of 28 September 1962, and was one of the largest fires in Brisbane's history.[1] As well as the depot, 67 trams were destroyed, 20% of the city's fleet.[2] The destruction of the depot is generally seen as the beginning of the end for Brisbane's tram system, providing the justification for the subsequent closure of four tram routes and the gradual encroachment of bus operation on other tram routes, with the final closure of the tram system occurring on 13 April 1969.[3]

  1. ^ "Paddington tram depot fire and Ithaca Fire Station"Your Brisbane Past And Present
  2. ^ McBride, Frank; et al. (2009). Brisbane 150 Stories. Brisbane City Council Publication. pp. 244–245. ISBN 978-1-876091-60-6.
  3. ^ "A brief history of Brisbane's Tramways" — Brisbane Tramway Museum