
Pajoge dance
Pajoge dancers with traditional costumes in 1870
GenreCourt dance
Instrument(s)Kendhang, Gong
InventorBugis and Makassarese

Pajoge dance is a traditional Bugis and Makassar dance originating from Bone, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The term Pajoge has three meanings at once. From the word joge which means a 'dance', the word pa and joge refers to 'dancers', as well as a 'performance'.

Based on the dancers, Pajoge dance is divided into two, namely Pajoge Makkunrai and Pajoge Angkong. Pajoge Makkunrai is performed by girls, while Pajoge Angkong is performed by transgender dancers. Between both, Pajoge Makkunrai is more developed and more staged to date. Pajoge Makkunrai developed around the Kingdom of Bone, Wajoq, Soppeng, and Barru.[1][2]

  1. ^ "Pertunjukan Pajoge Makkunrai Pada Masyarakat Bugis di Sulawesi Selatan" (PDF), digilib.mercubuana
  2. ^ "Tari Tradisional Pajoge Makkunrai", budaya-indonesia