Pal Dukagjini

Pal Dukagjini
Full name
Pal Dukagjini
Noble familyDukagjini
Spouse(s)daughter of Komnen Arianiti
FatherTanush Dukagjini
Occupation?–1444: Vassal of Lekë Zaharia
1444–1454: Vassal of Venice
1454–1457: Vassal of the Kingdom of Naples
1457: Joined Ottoman forces

Pal Dukagjini (Italian: Paolo Ducagini, 1411–1458)[1] was an Albanian nobleman, a member of the Dukagjini family. He and his kinsman Nicholas Dukagjini were initially subjects of Lekë Zaharia, a Venetian vassal who had possessions around Shkoder. Nicholas murdered Lekë, and the Dukagjini continued to rule over their villages under Venetian vassalage. Pal and Nicholas were part of the League of Lezhë, a military alliance that sought liberation of Albania from the Ottoman Empire, founded by the powerful Skanderbeg. In 1454, the Dukagjini accepted vassalage of Alfonso V of Aragon, as other chieftains had done three years earlier. Pal later abandoned Skanderbeg's army and deserted to the Ottomans.

  1. ^ Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë 2002, p. 310

    Pali (1411–1458), për të cilin Gjon Muzaka rrëfen se është edukuar pranë Gjon Kastriotit, ka qenë aktiv në jetën politike. Ai ka marrë pjesë në kuvendin e Lezhës dhe që në fillim është bashkuar me Skënderbeun. Pali ka pasur katër djem: Lekën, Nikollën, Progonin dhe Gjergjin.