
753, 535, and 432 nanometers light wavelengths (e.g. approximately true color) of Solander point as seen overlooking Botany bay.[1]
Pancam Mast Assembly (PMA)

Each Pancam is one of two electronic stereo cameras on Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity.[2] It has a filter wheel assembly that enables it to view different wavelengths of light and the pair of Pancams are mounted beside two NavCams on the MER camera bar assembly.[2]

According to Cornell University it can work with Mini-TES to analyze surroundings.[2]

According to a paper about Mars by JPL, the Pancam system can achieve an angular resolution of 300 microradians, which is three times better than the human eye.[3] It can observe 14 spectral bands, and with two side-by side cameras can generate stereoscopic views of Mars, supporting the creation of large Mars panoramas in excess of 10 Gbit uncompressed.[3] Spirit rover took the highest resolution image ever taken on the surface of another planet up to that time when it landed in 2004.[4]

  1. ^ PIA17078: Opportunity's view of 'Solander Point'
  2. ^ a b c Athena - PanCam
  3. ^ a b Edwards, Jr., Charles D; Jedrey, Thomas C; Schwartzbaum, Eric; Deveraux, Ann S (October 3, 2003). "The Electra Proximity Link Payload for Mars Relay Telecommunications". 54th International Astronomical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, and the International Institute of Space Law. CiteSeerX doi:10.2514/6.IAC-03-Q.3.a.06.
  4. ^ "NASA - Spirit's First Color Photos of Mars". Retrieved 2018-01-24.